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Communication: Ouvrages de référence
Guide disciplinaire pour les étudiants en communication.
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Encyclopédies générales
An encyclopedia of communication ethics
Concise encyclopedia of communication
Encyclopedia of communication and information
Encyclopedia of communication theory
International encyclopedia of communication research methods
SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods
International encyclopedia of communication
21st century communication : a reference handbook
A handbook of journalism : media in the information age
Handbook of communication history
SAGE handbook of consumer culture
SAGE Handbook of Social Media
Handbook of communication science
Handbook of media and mass communication theory
SAGE handbook of public opinion research
Encyclopédies spécialisées
Concise Encyclopedia of Advertising
Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media
Encyclopedia of journalism
Encyclopedia of media violence
Encyclopedia of political communication
Encyclopedia of public relations
Encyclopedia of social media and politics
Encyclopedia of social movement media
Encyclopedia of social networks
Encyclopedia of Television
International encyclopedia of gender, media, and communication
International encyclopedia of media literacy
International encyclopedia of organizational communication
Encyclopedia of strategic communication
Oxford encyclopedia of communication and critical cultural studies
SAGE international encyclopedia of mass media and society
Dictionnaires spécialisés
A Dictionary of Media and Communication
Dictionary of advertising and marketing concepts
Dictionary of media and communication studies
Dictionnaire critique de la communication
Dictionnaire de l'actualité internationale
Dictionnaire de la désinformation
Dictionnaire du journalisme et des médias
Encyclopedic dictionary of semiotics, media, and communications
Harrap's media & communication : dictionnaire anglais-français, français-anglais
Les mots de la communication
Media and communication dictionary
Publictionnaire : Dictionnaire encyclopédique et critique des publics
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